Beyond If Beyond If
If/When Feb 14, 2022

Weather Report: Climate, Resilience and the TCFD

Show Contributors: Adam Liddle, Craig Clifton, Paul Thies


As more and more investors and boards elevate the importance given to Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance metrics, greater emphasis is being placed on reporting and transparency. To help ensure investors are able to make informed decisions related to ESG matters, 气候相关财务披露工作组(TCFD)成立于2015年,旨在为组织提供标准化的报告方法,以传达其气候影响数据. To learn more about the TCFD and business climate resilience, our guests are Adam Liddle – Jacobs Director of Corporate Sustainability, and Craig Clifton – Jacobs Global Technology Leader for Resilience and Climate Change.

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Craig Clifton

Craig Clifton is Jacobs’ global technology lead for resilience and climate change. He is based in Bendigo, Australia. 克雷格拥有森林科学硕士学位,专门研究气候变化和自然灾害脆弱性, risk and resilience. 他与各种公共和私营部门的客户合作,研究交通首页以及水和能源公用事业的气候和自然灾害风险和恢复能力. 他还研究了在土地部门减少排放或创造碳抵消的机会. 克雷格是雅各布斯内部一个工作组的成员,该工作组正在制定和实施其对TCFD关于气候风险治理和管理的建议的回应.

Adam Liddle

Adam Liddle is a Director in Jacobs’ Office of Global Climate Response & ESG, 作为雅各布斯能源转型市场解决方案的连接点, decarbonization, adaptation and resilience, and natural resource stewardship. 在Jacobs任职期间,Adam管理了高知名度的多学科客户项目,为人类和地球提供了可持续的成果, and has been central to the development of PlanBeyond, Jacobs' sustainability strategy. 在这个平台上,本组织经历了重大变革,实施了基于科学的目标, the launch of digital climate/sustainability tools, a fully quantitative climate risk assessment in line with TCFD guidelines, and significantly improved ESG ratings. 亚当目前正在领导一个工作组,研究在雅各布斯的每一项市场战略中进一步嵌入气候风险和机会评估. Adam is an accredited Project Manager; Chartered Member of the Institute of Waste Management; and member of various Scottish climate action industry working groups.