火花 2021年12月10日



火花_podcast_episode 8火作品图像

From exploring carbon-cutting technologies in Scotland to learning about how the impacts of climate change can affect the security of global health resilience, this special edition podcast series has highlighted new information and perspectives and has challenged what we thought we knew.

In this final episode we discuss COP26 and the Path Ahead and reflect on learnings from across the series and to discuss how we can 合作. 行为. 承诺共同创造一个更具复原力和可持续性的世界.

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Kevin是亚洲体育博彩平台的总裁兼首席财务官. 拥有40多年的专业经验, 他管理公司财务的各个方面,包括会计, 投资者关系, 策略, 兼并与收购, 全球商业服务, 税, 信息技术和房地产功能. 除了, 他还负责企业沟通, 内部审计, 企业业务服务与数字信息技术.

Kevin是PlanBeyond的执行发起人, 雅各布斯全球可持续经营战略, and represents 亚洲体育博彩平台 as a founding member of the United Nations Global Compact CFO Task Force for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

此前,Kevin是International Flavors and Fragrances Inc .的执行副总裁兼首席财务官.,和S。&P 500 company and global creator of flavors and fragrances used in a wide variety of consumer products. Prior to that he worked at Nestle for 25 years w在这里 he held various financial and operational roles including Treasury, M&,雀巢最大收购Ralston Purina的战略规划和首席财务官.

Kevin earned his BA in Economics from Occidental College and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, 他在那里担任全球管理中心的董事会成员. 最近,Kevin加入了PA 咨询)的董事会.

“在雅各布斯, we know that our biggest opportunity to positively address climate change and societal inequalities comes from the solutions we provide our clients. 我们有能力帮助改变世界, 为客户提供解决方案,帮助他们创造一个积极的环境, 社会和经济差异.”





首席可持续发展主任 & 瑞士信贷咨询与金融可持续发展战略全球主管


玛丽莎画 is responsible for setting the sustainable 策略 and ambition for the bank and for creating and facilitating sustainable investments on behalf of Credit Suisse's wealth management, 机构和企业客户. Marisa has been with Credit Suisse for 18 years and in the investment banking industry for over 30 years. 在此之前,她是EMEA投资银行和资本市场部门的联席主管.

玛丽莎在许多领导机构的顾问委员会任职, 可持续发展和民间社会组织, 包括英国阿斯彭研究所, 米尔肯研究所战略慈善中心, the FCA’s 市场 Practitioner’s Panel and co-chair of the HLG for Humanitarian Aid and the Oceans Panel.

Her 外部 activities also include serving on EMEA 咨询 Boards of The Wharton School and charity Room-to-Read.

“COP 26真正证明了公共和私营部门对必要性的理解, 还有力量, of collaboration to tackle the threat of climate change - we have an enormous task ahead of us but the convening left me simultaneously realistic and optimistic.”



首席可持续发展主任 & 瑞士信贷咨询与金融可持续发展战略全球主管

我们希望你喜欢我们的播客. If you have any questions or would like to reach us or our guests, we would love to hear from you. 了解更多关于COP26的信息并与我们联系 在这里.


激发真正的对话,意图 合作. 行为. 提交. 为了真正的改变.

