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Airports as Catalysts for Decarbonization

新的雅各布斯研究为未来的氢燃料飞机提供了路线图, ready for the first hydrogen-powered aircraft expected by 2035.

Image showing blue cover and some inside turning pages of the report

如果机场所有者和运营商准备好在2035年之前为氢动力飞机提供燃料,他们现在就需要计划氢的交付和储存. 雅各布斯的新研究, "Airports as Catalysts for Decarbonization", 为机场开始准备氢燃料技术提供了路线图, 基于我们为航空技术研究所FlyZero报告所做的工作, Airports, Airlines and Airspace - Operations and Hydrogen 首页”.

Due to the length of time it takes to plan, 设计, consult and implement new airport infrastructure, 预计在本世纪30年代初至中期,首批商用氢动力飞机将投入使用,机场必须在此之前做好准备.

帮助机场转型, 雅各布斯评估了机场氢气供应和储存的三种情况:

Scenario 1 - the delivery of liquid hydrogen directly to the airport by truck.

Scenario 2 - the use of a hydrogen gas pipeline with on-site liquefaction.

方案3 -在机场现场使用电解制氢.

Report: Airports as Catalysts for Decarbonization
